
My Story

I am Akua-Afriyei Owusu (known as Afriyei, pronounced A Free YaY!). For as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in everything natural and holistic…Wholistic with a W…encompassing the Whole body. My journey has been one of exploring and learning how to improve my own health, especially during the time when I suffered from numerous health conditions including depression, severe acne, carpal tunnel syndrome, skin lesions, to name but a few! I managed to improve my symptoms without the aid of medical intervention. This wasn’t a quick and easy journey as we all wish for it to be. Through a commitment to a revised eating plan and yoga, I began to see excellent results. 

As well as for health reasons, this journey also began as an activity that was purely for personal pleasure way back in 1998, and has now blossomed into a growing business whereby it prides itself on serving communities near, and far. Dedicated to helping everyone find their way to wellness, happiness, and many blessings within their own lives for a long time to come. 


Within Afrilife Wealth our main mission is to help people and the wider community realise their own medicinal health potential, as well as, create and improve energy and wellbeing within the lives of everyone regardless of age and ability! Through the continual practice of yoga, it is possible to manifest joy, happiness and fun… Showing you new ways to look at food and educating everyone how combining a few simple changes in your lives and the lives of your family, you will gain much-needed vitality which will restore the minds and body.

What does AfriLife Wealth offer?

AfriLife Wealth provides Wholistic health and well-being services that involve improving one’s life through nutrition, movement, and modalities bringing balance to the mind and body through intuitive alignment.  

AfriLife Wealth endeavours to bring the experience to your home, work or community setting where you can reap unlimited benefits at an affordable price. Offering a virtual holistic food prep course you can undertake from the comfort of your own setting, that will show you how to create incredibly nutritious and delicious meals, all with an ultimate goal of improving more than just your wellbeing, but giving you insight into making changes to your day-to-day lives.

These are just some of the services we offer and we are extremely committed to helping people obtain the most out of their lives by making small changes to their lifestyles can be the difference between leading a fulfilling or not-so-fulfilling life.