Vegan Carrot Cake

This is a delicious dessert! Ingredients: 1/2 cup of flour (I used pumpkin pulp dried and grounded.  You use any flour).1/2 cup of GF oats grounded (you can use cornflour if you don't have oats).3 apples organic or regular.3 medium carrots organic or regular (if organic you don't have to peel. I used juice pulp but you grator these).Mix all the above in a bowl.Then add in:1 tsp of cinnamon3 tbsp of sweetener - date syrup, agave syrup, maple syrup1 tsp of stevia or omit stevia and add in an…


Banana and Mango Smoothie / Avocado and Cucumber Soup

Making these liquids are extremely easy to do and extremely beneficial in terms of nutritional health consumption.  They are high water dense so they will be easily digestible, that means better assimilation in the body, better optimisation for the body in general. Banana: Are packed with vitamins and minerals, they can act as a small meal in itself because of their rich content  They can help to stabilise sugar levels because they are balanced with fibre, this helps maintain a healthy blood glucose level They are rich in potassium which…


Protected: Raw Vegan Lasagne

Raw Vegan Lasagne is such a wonderful dish I really enjoyed making it.  All the beautiful aromas of the fresh ingredients that go towards assembling this unique, in my opinion 'cuisine'. This Lasagna is gluten free, dairy free and meat free without the hassle of slaving over a hot stove! This is a rich authentic Italian dish that includes all the beautiful flavours without sacrificing on the taste. I'm sure you'll love this healthy alternative and you'll to make it for yourself and others to enjoy. Facts about Marina Sauce2…

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